Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

130718 Hyunseong and Minwoo Fancafe Updated ! [ENG Trans and IND Trans]

[Original Post]

[B.F현성]나 또 잘못 올렸다고??? 이번에도 잘못 올라가면 안올림... 내가 얼마나 손가락 꼼지락 대면서 썼는데......

[English Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] I can't posted again??? If this time I can't post then I won't post... I have long time didn't write by finger...... 

[Indonesia Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] Aku tidak bisa posting lagi??? Jika waktu ini aku tidak dapat mengepost kemudian aku tidak akan mengepost... Aku mempunyai waktu yang banyak tidak menulis dengan jari...

[Original Post]

[B.F현성]아까 하고 싶었던 말은
해랑 달이 보고싶어 장마가 어서 끝나길~~~~~

[English Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] I wanted to say earlier
I want to see the sun with the moon on the rainy season till the end~~~~~

[Indonesia Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] Aku ingin mengatakan dengan lebih mudah
Aku ingin melihat matahari dengan bulan di musim hujan sampai akhir~~~~~

[Original Post]

[B.F현성]울 베프들에게 무슨 이야기를 들려줄까... 키보드 앞에서 늘 고민해.. 그래서 손이 꼼지락 거린대ㅋㅋ

[English Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] I want to tell something to our Bestfriend... I always have a trouble when I was in front of the keyboard.. So my hand are typing slowlyㅋㅋ

[Indonesia Trans]

[B.F Hyunseong] Aku ingin menceritakan sesuatu untuk Bestfriend kita... Aku selalu mempunyai masalah jika aku di depan keyboard.. Karena tanganku mengetik dengan lambatㅋㅋ

[Original Post]

머리 잘랐어요.
머리카락잘랐어요!!! 초딩이래 형들이 ㅜㅠ 힝

[English Trans]

[B.F Minwoo] Woah
Cut the head.
Cut the hair!!! Hyungs said it's like a student ㅜㅠ hing

[Indonesia Trans]

[B.F Minwoo] Woah
Memotong kepala.
Memotong rambut!!! Hyungdeul bilang ini seperti seorang murid ㅜㅠ hing

[Original Post]

[B.F민우]같이 찍고 싶었어.. 하지만 실패했어-_-

[English Trans]

[B.F Minwoo] I want to take the picture together.. but I failed-_-

[Indonesia Trans]

[B.F Minwoo] Aku ingin mengambil gambar bersama.. tapi aku tidak berhasil-_-

Source : BF's Official Fancafe
Cr and Trans to English : @G_Girlfriend (Twitter)